Two paperbacks: Volume 1 – Early Days and Volume 2 – As Good As It Gets
Volume 1 – Early Days
Chapter 1 – My Birthday"It was on my 17th birthday that I first heard – or felt – God’s voice. In those days, we seemed to have a happy extended family in Anathoth and I was welcome in it. Times are different now…"
From a family of priests in the peaceful reign of good King Josiah, came a young man Jeremiah, bringing words from God to his people. It was no message for the fainthearted, either. It was a message of Terror on Every Side!
A young king and a young prophet. What could they do together for the people of Israel? Could the disaster be averted?
This story will lead you through the exciting life of Jeremiah, a prophet in ancient Israel, who delivered warnings of imminent terror for his nation - and lived to see them come true. Volume 1 is also available in paperback with a smaller font (9.5pt) and in a second edition with extra resources.
Volume 2 – As Good As It Gets
Chapter 1 – News from Israel“I was twenty-one years old when the letter arrived. It was the most exciting letter I ever received. Written in my father’s untidy scrawl, it had obviously been sent in the joy of discovery and his happiness showed in every word.
The Book of the Law of God had been found!”
King Josiah hears the words of God and everything starts to change.
Idolatry is forced to take a backward step and the true servants of God have some breathing space.
Let the Passover celebrations begin!
This series will lead you through the exciting life of Jeremiah the priest as he worked for God in ancient Israel. Jeremiah was also a prophet of God for over 40 years, always warning of judgement which was to come on the nation of Judah and all the nations around. Few would listen at all, and fewer still would take him seriously. Jeremiah lived to see the prophecies come true, but many of those he spoke to did not.
Terror on Every Side! Volume 2 – As Good As It Gets is the second in a series of five volumes on the life of Jeremiah, a prophet in ancient Israel.
Subsequent volumes:
Volume 3 – Darkness Falling
Volume 4 – The Darkness Deepens
Volume 5 – No Remedy
Volume 6 – That Broken Reed
Details of Terror on Every Side Volumes 1 and 2 paperbacks
- Special set of two complete paperbacks
- Volume 1 (9.5pt), ISBN: 978-1-925587-00-5, 54,000 words (174 pages)
- Volume 2 (10.5pt), ISBN: 978-1-925587-01-2, 61,000 words (218 pages)
- Footnotes with background details and Bible references
- Complete list of characters from the life of Jeremiah