Another collection of Bible-based micro-tales
Written by Mark Morgan
"Fiction Favours the Facts – Book 2" is a second collection of 22 micro-tales from the Bible Tales Newsletter.
Micro-tales? What are they? They are short stories about Bible characters or events.
Bible-based fiction – the facts of the Bible rounded out with imaginative detail to help us recognise the lives and feelings of real people.
Some tell of little-known Bible characters, while others concentrate on an incident in the life of one of the more famous Bible characters.
Share the experiences of people who met the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel; consider how God’s curse dogged the rebuilding of Jericho; see Jesus as his family saw him; marvel at the faith of a woman who was sure that just touching Jesus’ clothes would heal her.

Have you ever wondered how Hosea came to marry a prostitute? "Hosea’s Story" might offer you an answer, and get you thinking more about the patience of God.
Meet Jacob and his children, King Manasseh, Gehazi, Joseph of Arimathea, Elymas and many others as they recount their experiences for you.
Each micro-tale will give you something to think about.
Old Testament |
New Testament |
A wide variety of Biblical characters walk across the pages of this book and each micro-tale gives us something to think about. Lives presented by the Bible in just a few words are thoughtfully expanded, tinted with colour and life – but without straying from God’s word.
Details of eBook
- eBook in PDF, EPUB or Kindle (MOBI) format
- 211 pages in PDF
- ISBN: 978-1-925587-23-4
- Footnotes with background details and Bible references
Details of paperback
- Paperback book with white paper
- 111mm x 178mm (4.37" x 7")
- Body text 10.5pt
- 211 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-925587-22-7
- Footnotes with background details and Bible references
Details of audiobook
- Audio book – Written and read by Mark Morgan
- Unabridged recording of 22 micro-tales
- Almost 5 1/2 hours duration (321 minutes)
- MP3 format - one file per story
- 461MB zip file for download
Don't forget to select the format you want before purchasing.